Thursday, December 1, 2011

A simple Stress Management Method Explained!

Welcome back!

If you read the simple stress relaxation method I outlined last week and tried it, I am sure you'll agree that it's simple and effective. As promised, here is a quick overview of why it works so well.

First, the deep breathing. Since breathing is an 'automatic' thing, we don't have to think about doing it...unless we alter HOW we breath. By taking in those deep breaths, we are breathing outside of the norm. Because we breathing outside of the norm, it's something that is occupying our attention...and by focusing our attention on it, we are thus taking our attention away from those things that are stressing us out!

Same thing for the word "calm." By focusing on the word "calm," we are essentially distracting ourselves away from the things that are bothering us. The other advantage to concentrating on the word "calm" is the fact that as soon as we concentrate on a word, any emotional qualities of that word seep into our awareness and it begins to affect us.

As an aside, if we hear the word "crisis" over and over, (as happens on the evening news a lot!!!) we'll begin to feel uneasy!

Next week, I'l reveal a simple little facet of the human mind that you can use can get away from some of those tempting foods if you're working on adopting a healthy lifestyle in terms of food intake and weight.

Until next week...

Cris Johnson, CH, CT.NLP
Office: 716.940.8963