Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Simple Stress Management Method!

Hello everyone!

As I promised last week, I will reveal a simple stress management method. I'll explain the "how" of the method this week and then next week I'll explain why it works so well.

Obviously, you'll need to read this over a few times to understand what you'll be doing, or record yourself reading the instructions so you can simply listen.

Here we go...

First, sit or lay down in a comfortable place. Close your eyes. Take a nice, deep, relaxing breath...Breath deeply, naturally. Deep, slow breaths....

Now think of the word "calm" written in front of you. See the word written in front of you on a chalkboard, or maybe those colorful fridge magnets, or maybe big neon letters. However you see the word "calm" written in front of you.

Hear the word "calm" in your mind's ear, in a soft, yet confident and reassuring tone of voice...Hear the word "calm" and see the word "calm," over and over...

While you see and hear the word "calm" continue to breathe in slowly, deeply and evenly...

Do this simple exercise a minimum of 5 minutes 3-4 times a day and/or when you're feeling particularly stressed.(Realize, of course, that doing this while driving is NOT recommended or even possible without dying!!)

Tune in next week to find out why this simple little technique is so effect for relaxation.


Cris Johnson
Office: 716.940.8963

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