Saturday, November 19, 2011

The "Trick" With The Nicotine Trick!

Welcome back!

Last week, I wrote a bit about the fact that cigarettes have a few sneaky things about them that cause some people some grief when they are quitting. I already wrote about the sugar, but this week I want to tackle more with the Nicotine Trick.

Just to review, The Nicotine Trick is this: after a person smokes a cigarette, there's a delayed reaction (roughly 20 minutes) in which the chemicals cause a person to experience the same physical sensations as anxiety - skin tightens, hairs rise on the back of the neck, etc. All of this makes a person feel ill at ease.

Well, the reason why this causes the cigarette habit to be reinforced in some people is due to the stress in peoples' lives. You see, many people look to something, anything, to relieve stress in their lives. Whether it's sex, jogging, laughter, food or whatever, each of us looks to relieve stress in some way...even though for most of us, it's a subconscious decision.

All of this means that when The Nicotine Trick is triggered, the smoker feels stressed because he/she is feeling the physical signs of anxiety. So, to relieve the stress, the person incorrectly believes that smoking a cigarette will relieve that stress...which is unfortunate because what they're doing is simply keeping the circle going and setting themselves up for another "stressed feeling" in 20 minutes!

People believe that the cigarette is causing them to reduce stress in part because they're taking a break from whatever stressful activity they're doing for a few minutes. In a work environment, these "smoke breaks" are often (or WERE often) built into the day's schedule.

The fact of the matter is this: simply by walking away from a stressful situation for a few minutes is all that is needed to reduce stress. The cigarette is merely the excuse to walk away!

If you need a stress break, by all means take's healthy, beneficial and necessary! Healthy activities that one can do during a stress break include: getting a drink of water, going for a walk, calling a friend and more.

Next week, I'll reveal a simple stress management technique you can do to lower your stress level instantly.

For more information, check us out at


Cris Johnson, CH, CT.NLP

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